
Shakti and Stardust
Me and my Stardust

Aloha! E komo mai.

Welcome to my new blog. This is my personal blog for thoughts and musings. If you are looking for my yoga or dj pages, you can find them in the contact info on this site.

Why driving Shakti and walking Stardust. Simple really, I find I do my best thinking when I’m driving somewhere or walking my dog.

We are all the energy of Shakti incarnate, however you want to think about that, of course, is fine. I’m sure there will be many discussions of this here to come. Briefly though, in the world, there is potential energy and there is kinetic energy or creative energy. This gets deep back to the Big Bang even, but we can get into that later. In yoga we talk about these energies as Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is masculine energy and the energy of stillness. Shakti is feminine energy and the energy of doing. You can think of them simply as the literal energy of the world or you can think of them as actual entities, your choice of course. In any case, more and more lately, I like to remind myself that I am Shakti incarnate, we are all Shakti incarnate.

And the Stardust? That’s my dog’s name. His full name is Camouflage Blue Stardust Incredible, but I call him Dusti. He reminds me that while we are all divine energy incarnate, we are also all just stardust.

My plan for this space is really all over the place. Posts may be yoga related, music related, science related or completely personal, but heartfelt and real, always. I hope you all enjoy.

With the love of Shakti and the joy of Stardust…Namaste,



